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Победа!Очередной конкурс юных журналистов "Добро пожаловать" завершён, пора подвести итоги и поздравить победителей.

Всего на конкурс поступило около 200 работ из 7 стран. Огромное спасибо всем авторам и их наставникам!

К сожалению, не все работы соответствовали условиям конкурса, поэтому после предварительного отбора допущено к участию около 140 работ. Да, правила отбора в этом году были ещё более строгие: не принимались работы уже опубликованные в СМИ или просто старые, а также работы недостаточного объёма или с признаками плагиата. В номинации "Фото" самая частая ошибка - отсутствие оригиналов. То есть, вместо исходных файлов с камеры, присылают фотографии, скаченные из "Вконтакте" (да, да, мы вполне верим, что они ваши, но...) или просто уменьшенные. Уважаемые фотографы, будьте внимательны к правилам!

Our traditional contest of young journalists "Welcome!" starts a little later this year, but it will last longer: work is accepted until the end of February, and summing up the results planned until May 10. We hope it will be as interesting and representative as the contests of the past years.

dreamstime63120763The basic rules remain unchanged. Contest is organized by children's public organization "Lotsman" (“Maritime pilot”) and online magazine "Kid's Club". The circle of participants is limited only by age. If you are engaged in a children's press center or work in the school newspaper editorial - welcome to the contest! Not engaged in anything out of that, but you believe that you can be interesting to tell about some event, journey, book or movie - join us! If you want to expand your portfolio - participating in the contest will be helpful as well. Are you a beginner blogger? Participate in the competition! Materials passed selection (not only the winners) will be published on the website "Kid's Club", which is a registered media.

This year a new nomination "Citizen of the Information Society" is added in the contest. See more information below.

Read all the details in the regulations. There is only brief information in this article.

Good news! We begin the second contest of young journalists "Welcome!". The first one was held last year. In that contest took part 196 works from participants from 11 countries.

Журналистика это очень романтично! :)As before the contest is organized by Sverdlovsk regional children's public organization "Lotsman" (“Maritime pilot”) and online magazine "Kid's Club". And this year, the organizers included the educational institution - Center for Children and Youth "Sozvezdie" ("Constellation") (Yekaterinburg, Russia). As before, we invite to participate in the contest both those who have already decided to become a journalist, and those who just want to try their hands at this interesting and important matter. We live in a post-industrial, information society. The information in our world is the most important and valuable resource. Journalist - is a person who not only consumes, but also creates new flows of information. Moreover, being a creator is always honorable. Creators are changing our world!

If you are engaged in a children's press center or work in the school newspaper editorial - welcome to the contest!

Not engaged in anything out of that, but you believe that you can be interesting to tell about some event, journey, book or movie - join us!

If you want to expand your portfolio - participating in the contest will be helpful as well. Materials passed selection (not only the winners) will be published on the website "Kid's Club", which is a registered media.

Read all the details in the regulations. There is only brief information in this article.

All certificates will be puplished here:

Today (may 15) certificates for winners in all nominations are uploaded.

Who needs a certificate of participation and appreciation to the teachers - email me and I'll upload them there too.

If you found any error in certificate - email me and I'll fix it.