Three challenges for democracy: view from India to Bangladesh
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- Written by Maisha Islam Monamee
- Category: Мир людей
I was in Grade V when I first heard about democracy. My first notion of democracy was – for the people, by the people and of the people. It appealed to my little mind that we are ruled by ourselves, by our chosen people. I began imagining happy nations where leaders were selected by happy citizens and everything was perfectly synchronized into order. In Grade VI, I realized that every nation is not a democracy. I felt pity for those who were not allowed to choose their rulers. It all felt unjust and unfair. As I entered Grade VII, I read that even in a democracy, not everyone has the right to vote.
- Hits: 4520
Plastic Prohibition - Is It Practical?
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- Written by Aliya Shetty Oza
- Category: Мир людей
It was only recently that the government of Maharashtra put a ban on the usage, sale, storage and manufacturing of plastic. This action was definitely necessary since plastic is non- biodegradable and causes major hazards in many biomes, natural habitats and ecosystems. I've counted down the pros and cons of this ban.
The pros of this ban are innumerable. Plastic is non- biodegradable and takes nearly 10-1000 years to decompose. So there's no point in using it in landfills as it's of no help to the soil. If plastic is banned, then its waste won't be generated. Also there will be much less damage to nature after this ban. There won't be any plastic garbage on the roads, clogging drains, and hence, no floods and less litter. Animals, birds and marine life won't be affected because they won’t be digesting or getting trapped in plastic products polluting in their habitats. The chemicals of the plastic products getting transferred into our food and water via bottles, packets & bags will cease. Burning plastic products causes the worst type of pollution and makes the air carcinogenic. The fine is between 5-25k and there is also a jail term threat to people violating the ban.
- Hits: 3834
Итоги третьего конкурса юных журналистов "Добро пожаловать"
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- Written by Юрий Никитин
- Category: Конкурсы
Очередной конкурс юных журналистов "Добро пожаловать" завершён, пора подвести итоги и поздравить победителей.
Всего на конкурс поступило около 200 работ из 7 стран. Огромное спасибо всем авторам и их наставникам!
К сожалению, не все работы соответствовали условиям конкурса, поэтому после предварительного отбора допущено к участию около 140 работ. Да, правила отбора в этом году были ещё более строгие: не принимались работы уже опубликованные в СМИ или просто старые, а также работы недостаточного объёма или с признаками плагиата. В номинации "Фото" самая частая ошибка - отсутствие оригиналов. То есть, вместо исходных файлов с камеры, присылают фотографии, скаченные из "Вконтакте" (да, да, мы вполне верим, что они ваши, но...) или просто уменьшенные. Уважаемые фотографы, будьте внимательны к правилам!
- Hits: 10969
The best education for me
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- Written by Илья Выговский
- Category: Образование и воспитание
When I asked my parents about such kind of education which would do our future better, my father, who is a plumber, wondered: «Can it exist?» And my mother, who is a policeman, added: «I doubt». But I have my own opinion on it. It is surely possible to create such form of education which would build a better future for all. First of all, such perfect form of education should combine several conditions. My main principle of creating it is to use the best educational experience of the past and to develop some modern forms of it. This new kind of education must provide free school education, involve healthy children and disabled, train mental, physical and spiritual abilities, promote life skills, develop personal talents. It must be universal education for children of all nationalities and religion. Such education should solve a lot of problems which take place in our modern world: ethnic conflicts, problem of poverty and violence, conflicts on religious grounds and others.
- Hits: 3275