Painting dream!

The spring is coming ant it's great time to dream. About summer... and about a more distant future. We invite all children to participate in the contest "My Dream"!

The competition is run by our online magazine "Kid's Club", as well as children's public organizations "Lotsman" and the Foundation "Ryabinushka". The chairman of the jury - the famous illustrator, Doctor of Arts, professor Evgenia Sterligova.

No matter where you live and learn. All children and adolescents from 6 to 17 years can participate. The results are taken separately in three age groups: 6-10 years, 11-14 years and 15-17 years.

Who I want to make friends

For participating you should picture your dream (even three dream!) by any way (drawing, applique, hand-made works from any material, computer graphics or something else). The competition is held in three categories (nominations), that means, dreams can be such:

Where do I want to live
  • "Where do I want to live" — the participant should show the image of the place where he would like to live in the future. It could be a house, a city, a space station, a tent in the woods, the palace and so on. Everyone may have their dream!
  • "Who I want to make friends" - in this category you can show your favorite character of the book or the movie, but you can also present the generalized image of a friend whom you would like to have. You can picture yourself with a friend.
  • "Who do I want to become" - the participant should show his future profession, occupation. Someone wants to be a traveler, and someone banker, some writer, and someone programmer, and there are many more ways for chose in life. Choose your way!

And you should also provide a detailed description of the work: explain what you painted, and why your dream is this. This is an important part of the work, it will also be judged!

Is not it a dream?

The works will be evaluated by the jury, and also will be voting on this site and in the "Lotsman" community (group) in social network VKontakte, and voting results will be taken into account. Address of our

Jury members:

Eugeniya Sterligova - Teacher of drawing of Ural State Academy of Architecture and Arts, Doctor of Arts;
Olga Gorneva - architect, associate professor of building designs and construction industry of Ural State University of Railway Transport;
Mikhail Medvedev - sculptor, senior lecturer in Cultural Studies and Design of Ural Federal University;
Julia Molchanova - the teacher of an additional education;
Alla Nechayeva - architect;
Yuriy Nikitin - the editor of the "Kid's Club" online magazine, teacher of an additional education.

To enter the competition you need to fill out an application. This can be done by the participants themselves, or by their parents or teachers. You can fill in the online form (below), or can take the form from Provision (link below), fill it and send to the email address Art works have also to be sent to this address. You also can upload the files right here in this form (after selecting a file, the window will open where you need to enter the author and the work description):

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Update on 9 of March: Attention! We start to publish the contest works in the website gallery:

You can evaluate them on a 5-point scale (click the photo, and then underneath click the section "IMAGE RATING"). For the objectivity of the voting - the authors are not indicated yet.

The full text of the provisions of the competition:docRegulations about the Open creative contest "My dream"276.5 КБ Write questions in the comments on the article or to mail